Contact me!

Readers: Please comment publicly in response to a specific blog post if possible, so that others can gain from the information we share.  For private contact, please use the form below.  I will get back to you, I promise.

Manufacturers/Retailers: I am interested in using the equipment you manufacture or sell.  It may be featured on the blog in real-life remote locations, and if I really like it, I’ll make an effort to share it with others to help them refine their bikes and their lives.  It is in my best interest to avoid equipment that is not suited to the kind of riding and traveling we do.  Durable, lightweight gear that fits our simple lifestyle is the idea.

Publishers: Interested in a print or web feature relating to the content of this blog, including the Baja Divide routebuilding process, touring the Holyland Challenge route in Israel, the Dragon’s Spine route in South Africa, or our pioneering bikepacking adventures across Europe?  I pack a camera and a computer on the road, and am available for work.

-Nicholas Carman


8 thoughts on “Contact me!

  1. You have captured this beautiful part of the world. Looking for a bed and bath. We have one calling your name. You can get off your bike for a couple of days and hike with us. Debby

  2. Pingback: Correspondence: My old Surly Pugsley, in a new home | gypsy by trade

  3. Hello,
    My name is Matt, read your article on goat heads and fat bikes. I live in Albuquerque and was concerned about purchasing a fat bike but those damn goat heads made me worrisome. Was hoping to talk you more about the tubeless fat tires. Thanks

    • Matthew, There are lots of good options for tubeless ready fatbike tires and rims these days, as well as methods to modify older non-tubless equipment. I can answer any specific questions, but best to go visit Rusty as Two Wheel Drive. He’s probably the most knowledgeable tubeless fatbikes human in ABQ and should be able to sort things out for you. TWD should be able to set-up your fatbike tubeless the day you receive it to ensure goatheads never give you a problem. Any further questions, e-mail me at

  4. This was really a fantastic post! The trail looks amazing and a friend and I are planning to embark on it in 1 month or so. I was hoping you might be able to provide a little info on contacts and costs along the way? I’m having a hard time finding any list of accommodation sites along the trail. Is it possible to pitch a tent most nights? We’re open to anything, but don’t really know where to start planning. My friend and I are Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from Mozambique and don’t have a great deal of cash to spend on the trip. But we DO know how to live cheaply! I would greatly appreciate just a little insight into how you went about planning the ride. Already emailed the Freedom Challenge guys, so hopefully they get back to me. Thanks so much! You are an inspiration to us intrepid travelers. Pura Vida!

  5. Pingback: For Sale: 54cm Specialized Ruby Pro Disc UDi2- $3300 | gypsy by trade

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